Palo Alto CaptivePortal Authentication Exclusion | SEの道標

Palo Alto CaptivePortal Authentication Exclusion

In PaloAlto, consider the case for a certain NW segment and authentication target of CaptivePortal.In its NW segment, "I want the host which has a certain IP address to communicate without sending the credential information," you have there is a need.

In such a case, using the XML-API  leads the only target IP to the state which is always authenticated .

How to use XML-API

Auto cooperation of using only the NW communication is also possible, but it is simple easy-to-understand better of manual registration using the WebUI of PaloAlto.

WebUI for the XML-API is called API Browser, URL is as follows.

https://[FQDN of Palo]/api/

Then you get the following screen.

You need originally the "API-KEY" information in order to use the XML-API, but if you access to the URL in a state authenticated to the normal management Web console, API-KEY is not required.

Certification = Authentication Exclusion

Click on the "User ID" in the API Browser, enter the XML such as the following, and then Submit.

<entry name="test-user1" ip=""></entry>
<entry name="test-user2" ip=""></entry>

If you want to delete and enter the XML below, and then Submit.

<entry name="test-user1" ip=""></entry>

If you put and after the timeout = XX of ip = "~", but it is time-out after the registration after XX seconds, to be taken this, and it continues to be in effect until you delete (logout).

Confirmation can be from the CLI.

# show user ip-user-mapping all | match Never


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